Landscape and Line 2010-2024

Shapespace installation view with "You are the Lake of my Seeing" Moberg Gallery February 2022
Installation view of the exhibition: Shapespace at Moberg Gallery February 2022

The Landscape and Line drawings begin with similar constraints as Mondrian’s pier and ocean paintings: vertical and horizontal lines only, some smaller, some larger, and either close together or far apart. The fullness of space Mondrian created with those choice lines is remarkable; they breathe outward and inward, bowing the picture plane. The acknowledgment of line on the surface and as descriptor of deep space is an important part of the work as it holds both states simultaneously. The horizon is often made up of dashed lines, which refers to the process of its own making and provides a rhythmic, syncopated, provisional space. The horizon is a place where two things meet, not only land and sky or water and sky, but also day meeting night in the form of a sunset; the end of one thing and the beginning of another—an uncertain future. While we might think of the sunset as a comforting trope, I want to show the hovering, unstable moment produced at this juncture; the eternal return and cyclical insistence of daily life. Recent drawings include meditations on repetition with an internal mirroring that sometimes extends through a scroll-like composition or through doubling and stacking. The Addition of diagonal lines signals weather and interruption.